Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Taking a Break

After this weeks newbie sex craze I realized I had the flu. Well Jezzie told me I did.

After some denial and then a series of fevers I realized she was right.
So this week I am sitting in bed with a cup of tea watching the SciFi Channel while Till threatens to bite me, Tess warns me of not eating right, Sully tells me if I do not take better care of myself I will keel over, Cel tells me to stop being a knothead, Rails tells me to go back to bed and all of you wish me a speedy recovery.
I think after Burning Life I needed to spend some time resting and I just did not do that.
So on the wise and sage advise of many Mental Mentors and Many Mentor Wives and Many friends I am going to be resting up.
Thank you

Sunday, November 9, 2008

You Never Know...

In and around Mentorland I often hear a Mentor complain about another Mentor.
Some examples:

TypesB4 Thinks: don't ask that guy, ask someone who matters in the forums

NotNice Notever: I am here to complain about a notice. The person who sent it is unavailable but I am going to tell people outside of the group it was in all about it and the jerk who sent it anyway.
Minds URbusiness: I didn't like what she said even thought personally it is just my opinion but I am going to make sure I talk about how I disliked it to as many people as I can.

These are examples of how you get labeled a troublemaker. These are also examples of how you make an impression on other people in a negative manner. Assumption is never your friend in this manner. Nonconstructive criticism is never going to be taken as good advise. It is going to bring negativity to the table every time.

You should never assume everyone understands your point of view. You should't talk about another Mentor in public text or group IM in a negative way. Try and take all your disputes to IM.
One day you might need that person (who you found to be lacking) to help you out.
We all work as a team. When you step out of Tao and into being disrespectful you go to a place where you are not using teamwork.
How would you feel if someone "took you on" in public if you were not there?
What if it got reported to you that your ideas, thoughts, advise was called into question by a person without them giving you the opportunity of an IM to explain, clarify or even know you had an issue. What kind of teamwork is that?

The truth to the matter is this, if you participate in any of these types of actions you are doing yourself a disservice. You are not following our standards of Mentor communication and Tao. You may even polarize other people. If you dislike someone or what someone said, take it to the source, work it out with whomever the issue is with.
If you choose not to do this then you do not have the right in all fairness to take it to open forums of chat or public text. Take your opinions to IM and keep your negative assertions to those on your friends list or to yourself.

In these transitioning times for our group, we need to make an effort to work together and pull together.
If you choose to still behave in this manner don't be surprised if when you need help you do not get it. You will only have to recall that you put your pixel foot in your pixel mouth.
Be kind to each other!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Greeters Needed for Mentor Graduation Party

We are in need of Greeters for the Mentor Graduation Party Scheduled for November 15th from 10am slt til 12midnight slt.

Greeters will welcome the Graduates and guests to the party and ensure that they know where to find things, and help to keep the party lively

You may sign up for more than one time slot. We are hoping to have at least 4 greeters per time slot. Make a copy of this blog page and return it as a notecard to Jezzie McCellan or myself.

****Remember all times are SL Time*****
10am to 12pm:

12pm to 2pm:

2pm to 4pm:

4pm to 6pm:

6pm to 8pm:

8pm to 10pm:

10pm to 12pm:

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Future of Mental Mentors

Recently it was brought to my attention that rumors has been circulated after the Mentor Group renewal that Mental Mentors was closing. Rest assured that is not the case.
We did remove some inactive people from the group. Mental Mentors is not going away anytime soon. Regardless of change of mission or Greeter group or any amount of renewing
and refocusing, Mental Mentors will go on.

Rails and I have worked very hard over the last nine months to bring a stress free zone for Mentors. It has never been easy. I never thought it would be. Keeping everyone fair and balanced when everyone was over 800 people was a large task in short order.

In the process I learned a great deal about others and myself. I also learned that loyalty and respect are words until people demonstrate those ideals.
I have argued, begged and pleaded with some of you. I have asked of you what was necessary to keep the group whole and cohesive. Some of you have risen above what can often seem unfair or biased and have been loyal and respectful even thought you did not always agree. Some of you agreed to disagree. Some of you told me the hell off. Some of you left MM.
All of these transitions are never easy. I would like to thank you if you chose to help me and abide by what Rails and I decided. I also want to thank those who chose to agree to disagree, often that is something that keeps us united but with our own views intact.

Lastly I would also like to thank those who decided that they needed to leave MM because it was not where or what they wanted to be and they were smart enough to know their limitations and not stay where they did not want to be and would not be happy.

I fully support the decisions made by the co-owner of MM, Rails Bailey. Before there was the helm of MM there was Rails, my friend. We would shoot the breeze about life, liberty and the pursuit of Mentoring.
During the great MM spam war of 2007 Rails left MM. I went to him and said come on back and luckily he did. I went to get Rails back because I just could not imagine the chaos and the craziness in MM without him. Obviously JayJay thought so too.
Everyone has friends in their SL. I have been real lucky in that I have friends that understand loyalty and respect.

There may come a time in MM when I or Rails ask you to put aside an argument, topic or some issue. We might ask you that because we feel it is not good for the group. You might disagree. Please try and remember that what Rails and I do is never easy. Some days it is very not easy. The stewardship of MM is big and diverse and takes up a lot of time and energy.
Try and use your loyalty and respect and at the least agree to disagree.
MM is a family and all of you are part of it. Sometimes in families you have to look at the
(Star Trek reference) good of the many versus the good of the few.
Corny I know but very true.
All things are not always easy to negotiate. I learn that more and more these days. Sometimes you just have to go with what is good for the many. I often will err on the side of being prudent.
I am sorry if that is not popular but it is loyal and respectful.
Thank you all for being part of my family and for your support.