Friday, June 27, 2008

Mentor Group Roles

Vteam has kindly posted what our group roles definitions are.
I am in a number of Mentor roles and I wear a lot of hats. Many of you do too.
I am glad we all can wear these hats to help each other and other residents.
I look forward to more Mentor roles.

If you need any info about becoming a Mentor Buddy, OCoach/Apprentice Buddy, Coach or Greeter please IM me.
I would be glad to assist you with choosing a role or several of them.

Happy Mentoring!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

SL5B Report

I have been working security and being a tourist around SL5B since Monday when it opened.
Every year this event is a unique look inside the resident created content in SL.
Thanks this year go to fellow Mentors Shoshana Epsilon, Evie Fairchild, SignpostMarv Martin, Misty Rhodes and Will Webb.
Special thanks to Dusty Linden, Meghan Dench and Trinity Coulter.
If you have not found the SL5B Linden Bear, it is located at
Don't miss out on this piece of SL history. You have till July 7th to come on down and view your community and meet residents you may not otherwise get a chance to meet.
Discover SL!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Abuse Report Chat update

The Vteam blog has now stated Mentor policy on AR chat in the official groups.

The new directive states "we would like to request further that issues of abuse not be brought to the Mentor or Mentor Q&A channel"

It is now very plain that it is not a Mentor chat topic and SL Mentor chat and Q&A are not places for that topic.
I have spoken on this for some time as to why I thought it was not a good place to have that topic and related chat. Now it is the policy. There are many resources to discuss AR/TOS/CS and the official chats are not those resources. Please read the Vteam blog and get up to date information on what you should do if you have a AR urgent topic to discuss.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


SL5B is the Second Life 5th Birthday Celebration.

Keep checking the SL Blog for updates on events and important information. SLBs are always a great look at what residents are up to. I make sure to get there every year.

Mentors have been asked to be greeters and crowd "rangers" for the two week period.
If you wish to work the event please IM me in world.

See you there-

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Uncle Doc Wants You AKA Recruit Your Friends

In the hustle and flow of Mentoring in your second life you know people who are your "go to" people. Cannot find a script person, cannot figure out how to debug person, desktop issue person. You know them, you trust them, you use them often. These people never let you down. They are not Mentors. Why?

If you know talented people who are not Mentors why not recruit them. The Mentor group can always use more talented people. It is very likely that as a talented Mentor yourself you know lots of talented and skilled residents. We often see people who we think would be a good fit.
It is time for you to reach out to those people and get them pumped about the Mentor program.

I have been recruiting Mentors for a long time. Some of you have heard my speeches, my tag lines, have been on the other end of my fishing for avatars. It is easy to ask people to be a part. What could they say? No?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why OIP is not a great place to be

I normally make my mind up about certain areas based on what I see and hear. What I have seen and heard on OIP (Orientation Island Public) is not good. My opinion on it is not a secret. It has well gone past the point of being useful and is now just a dinosaur.

It is often populated with griefy people. Not so much griefers but residents acting badly. They are squatters to the island. They seek to share their boredom and dissatisfaction with others that are there. The bad part is who is there are new people trying to make use of OIP and Mentors.

Today I was there untagged to observe some of the vocal minority of the island dwellers. They were a large bundle of crazy and loud. Very distracting and obviously not using the island as it was intended.

I often tell Vteam about the atmosphere at OIP. If you work there or have been there and you agree with me, drop a note in the suggestion box on SLVEC and speak up about the OIP issue.
The sooner this issue gets addressed, the sooner a plan to revitalize that area can start.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Meet a TG Mentor

Many times I have been asked about the Teen Grid. Well as you know, none of us can go on the TG. There is an exceptional young person on the TG. He has a photostream on Flickr that has many pics of the TG on it. He is a TG Mentor and will soon be coming to the Main Grid and hopefully be a strong addition to the Mentor group here.
Members of the Vteam, Gteam and former residents of the TG talk to me about young Daniel. They say good things about the future MG resident. If you are on Facebook reach out and friend him. It is often a big transition to leave teen friends and move onto the MG with us. Hopefully we can reach out and make his transition easier.

Mentorfolk meet Daniel Voyager.
Keep your eyes open for him sometime in December.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Know your Lindens

Often someone says, "I need the Linden who handles ....(insert function here), Do you know who that is?" Often I say, "Check the Wiki."
After many requests I am posting the link so you can bookmark it yourselves.
Get to know your Lindens.

Happy Mentoring!

6-7-08:The SL Blog today also was about this topic
Take a look.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Abuse Reports and Mentors

When dealing with Abuse reporting there is one certain fact, Mentors abuse report the same as everyone else. There is but one exception to this, when you are on an OI, HI or WA. Reports flagged from those areas are prompted to the top of the queue.

Often in the Mentor Chat, Q&A or just speaking with other Mentors I get the feeling that the newer Mentors feel we have some special ability to have people "banned" or "pull strings".
This just is not true. A Mentor may not cause people to be banned, or "pull strings" to get anyone banned. All abuse reports are sent to a Gteam member who checks the report to see what part of the TOS/CS it violates, if the report has merit it is acted upon.

What happens once you send an abuse report is then unknown. You can look on the police blotter aka Community Incident Report page is there for you to check what has generically happened to people who have not stayed within guidelines and/or have violated TOS/CS.
Reading this page can be frustrating because it often seems that you get a brief overview of the violation and see many different sentences for the same crime so to speak.
I understand what he is saying. Linden Lab policy is not to ever divulge what happens after you abuse report, so don't ask and don't worry since you have no recourse and you will never find out.

I am going to tell you once again to take about 15 minutes and read the TOS/CS so you will know what is reportable and what is not.

I often feel bad when I report something and my AR is "weak".
Why do you feel that way Doc?
Because someone on the Gteam has to spend their time investigating a "weak" report that may have little to no merit. They cannot flag it as actual abuse and it is cleared as such. The offender goes free and the time it took for me to report it and for it to be reviewed was not a means to an end.

When you are filing abuse reports make your report thorough.
Include all the information required.
Who? When? Where? What was the breach of TOS/CS? Include a pic, include text.
Double check your work before you hit the send button.
Suppose my AR doesn't fit in one box? Then use 2 or more, just make sure you note in the subsequent one this is part 2 and so on.

Copying text is for AR reports only!!!! You should only ever copy text if your reporting it for TOS/CS purposes or to the Vteam to explain something to them via notecard. To do so otherwise is a breach of TOS. You may find yourself being ARed.

I also find that there is way too much discussion of AR/TOS/CS in the Mentor Chat and Q&A.
If you need a sounding board for these kind of issues you should find a Mentor Buddy by using the Buddy Hut on SLVEC or by going to SL Mentor group and looking for Role "Buddy" and finding one online and ask them in IM about it.

Also Gteam has office hours and they would be glad to speak to you on When to AR, How to AR, What constitutes an AR, Matters of TOS/CS and all that jazz.