Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mental Mentors

As we go into Summer 2008 Mental Mentors is at over 850 members strong. I look forward to having by Winter time over 1,000 Mental Mentors. We are a resource and a place to go to kick back and be a Mentor with other Mentors. If you need advise, help, some people to hear you out, we are there for that.

With 100 new Mentors being added per week, we should be well on our way to recruit in some more interesting people into our group.

If you know of a new Mentor who you feel likes spam, chat and the company of other Mentors, holler out to them to ask for an invitation. Any MM officer can invite or Rails and I are always available for invite requests or questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc.

Just firstly like to say Thanks SO Much for doing that post last month about "Meet a TG Mentor".

I can't wait until I move to the Main Grid to join the SL Mentors Group and apply for roles, the winter season will expand and will grow when I get there.

Just 5 months left now, feel free to check out my TSL Flickr page then sets for great updated snaps.

If you're interested I have posted up some cool July 2008 statistics about Teen Grid Mentors program >

Also I have posted about updated Teen Grid Statistics >